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Misty Grey

She has things to do, like occupying sunbeams, drinking out of the bathroom sink, and being beautiful – on four legs, or three!

10-31-2013 – Discovery and Vet Visit

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 3:07 am on Thursday, October 31, 2013

Came home from work and was cuddling Misty before heading over to friends’ house to help them with handing out candy to Halloween trick-or-treaters, and when I was rubbing her leg I noticed it felt strange and thick.  She wasn’t limping or acting like she was in pain but I was alarmed that it might be an abscess or infection.  The vet’s office was open late that night – I called them and they kindly scheduled an appointment for that evening.  I expected them to give her antibiotics and send us home, and everything would be all better.  As the doctor examined her she looked more and more worried and I came to the realization as I think she was trying to decide how to break it to me that this might not be something simple and easy to fix.

The vet took a fine needle aspirate to send to the cytology lab.  And just in case, they did give her antibiotics too.



She was a good patient kitty before the examination.  Afterwards, not so much:


This is her “Take me home, or die, I don’t care which” stare.

I still made it to my friends’ house for some late dinner afterwards… but the trick-or-treaters were all gone by that time.  But it was for a good cause, my sweet Misty.


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