04-10-14 – Day 15 After Surgery – Stitches Out!!!
Misty got her stitches out today. Â Â She was so miserable when I put her in the car, she huddled on my lap the whole ride there. Â At the vet she waited in the waiting room on her own chair like a little lady while I sorted out some billing stuff with the tech at the counter. Â Then while we were in the examining room waiting for the doctor she snuggled up against me and hid her face in my hand (nothing else to hide behind I guess).
The doc looked her over and said everything healed up fine.  She was so good while they took all those stitches out… sat very still.  She looked sooo miserable though. One thing they didn’t tell me when I picked her up two weeks ago – her microchip came out along with her leg – it was stuck to her scapula they said.  So I will have to get her a new one if I want her to be chipped.
Misty and I celebrated with some treats and by taking a walk together around the yard…
…and then she continued her celebration by going to sleep on my flannel.
April 10, 2014 @ 10:14 pm
Woohoo! congrats Misty! I bet you feel soooooo much better without those itchy itchy stitches and now you don’t have to worry about mom watching you like a hawk when you clean yourself anymore! 😀
She’s looking great. When her fur finally grows back in you’ll hardly remember she’s missing a leg. When they’re shaved, they look so funny don’t they? 😛
That’s really interesting about the chip! Fang was chipped (not that we paid to have him in any database so it didn’t really matter) and they didn’t mention anything to me about whether the chip got lost or not. I’m partially interested in finding out now – but I know Fang wouldn’t be too into going to the vet again. 😀
April 10, 2014 @ 10:19 pm
Yeah, I am not too worried about Misty’s chip right now. For the moment she only goes outside under my supervision. She has to get her rabies vaccination in May so I might get the new chip then. Depends on what kind of job I find between now and then I guess. Until then whenever we go outside she will be wearing her little collar and tag, with the bell so I can hear where she is even when I can’t see her.
April 11, 2014 @ 2:55 pm
Another thing I forgot to mention is that the vet said that Misty’s reaction to the buprenorphine is not typical. She said that most cats get “jammed up” rather than watery when they are fed buprenorphine.
So I am wondering if maybe something else was causing her problem. I HAVE been playing around with her canned food – the Royal Canin is expensive and after seeing that Misty was fine when she was stealing mom’s cats’ food while they were visiting in Jan-Feb, I checked the ingredients and based on what was in there (all poultry) I started adding in some poultry to her diet in addition to the rabbit-based hypoallergenic food.
I DID have to give up on one can when it had an ill effect on her a few days ago. it was chicken and chicken liver based – but she threw up when I fed it to her, and I found after more careful examination of the ingredients that it contained salmon oil. Oops. I already knew she can’t eat salmon. There was a bag of freeze-dried salmon treats left over from when I was frantically trying to find foods that poor sick Alley would eat. It was still sitting around so a few weeks ago we experimentally gave Misty a piece, and she threw up when she ate that. It’s really too bad, because she LOOOOVES salmon. Ah well, she LOOOVES turkey and chicken and rabbit too.