05/01/14 – 5 Weeks After Surgery: Scabs gone
Earlier this week I was petting Misty and realized there was only one little bit of scab still stuck in her fur. Â So I took a look and saw that it was only tangled in a few hairs, so I took the little scissors and got it out of her fur – yay!
When I pet her the area around and under the scar still feels… lumpy and above it seems a bit swollen. But I figure it will continue to even out with time. When I had stitches they took awhile for everything to fully heal up and smooth out – I know I just have to be patient.
Here’s a picture of her navigating the bushes in front of the house. This was the same day as the other photo, she was already worried about the thunder as you can probably tell from her face.
May 4, 2014 @ 4:51 pm
Yay no more ickies from the surgery!
Look out world, here comes Misty, she’s baaaaaaaaack!