05-19-14 – Sunbeam Cat (Almost 8 Weeks After Surgery!)
I realize I’ve been remiss about posting sunbeam photos. Misty seems to occupy sunbeams most in the mornings when I am not usually feeling extremely motivated to follow her around with a camera. I guess she likes morning sunbeams better that afternoon ones, or perhaps she just doesn’t like to interrupt her afternoon naps (another important duty she does every day).
Anyway, so, here’s a sunbeam photo, just for you.  🙂
Today she has an appointment for her rabies vaccination. I’m sure she has no idea she will be going for a car ride later, or she would not be looking so relaxed.
And here’s one more sunbeam photo for the road. This was taken a few days ago. I was using treats to try and get her face turned toward the sun, and this was the result. I love her expression in this photo!
May 19, 2014 @ 9:46 pm
Oh gosh I love these pics! They just make me wanna take a nap and snooze away. What a life!
Hope the vet visit went well. Ick!