Hello Tripawds!
Tripawds informs me that I need to post immediately or my my blog might be deleted. It it after 1 am and I created this blog after being inspired having finished reading all the other cat blogs. Â I’ll post actual meaningful content tomorrow. Â I’ll backdate using my Facebook posts from Oct 2013, when the tumor was first discovered, onward if this site allows me to backdate. For now the “about” page and photo should do for a start.
By the way, how do I get this page to stop saying it is about a dog? Misty is a cat.
March 30, 2014 @ 3:57 pm
Hi Misty and family, welcome! We’re so glad you joined, we get more and more cat members every day and in an upcoming site redesign, you’ll see far more cross-species language here. Looks like you got the “Three legged dog blog” tagline changed?
We can’t wait to see & hear more about your story. We are here to help!
March 30, 2014 @ 8:09 pm
Welcome to the group Misty. We look forward to getting to know you and your cat.
Karma, Adelaide and the crew, and our angel Brendol
March 31, 2014 @ 8:41 pm
Thanks all! I’ve posted the story, backdated from Facebook posts and vet records, from the day I discovered the growth on Misty’s leg.
April 1, 2014 @ 11:46 pm
Woohoo, good job going back and telling your whole backstory for everyone in your shoes in the future! I am positive that this will help three-legger-parents to come!!!