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Misty Grey

She has things to do, like occupying sunbeams, drinking out of the bathroom sink, and being beautiful – on four legs, or three!

02-20-14 – Blue Pearl – Oncologist Consultation

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 6:57 pm on Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mom went with me and Misty to Tampa for the appointment with Blue Pearl. The doctor there examined Misty, reviewed all her records, and talked to me about the options.  The numbers for chemo/radiation were not encouraging – they would be expensive and arduous and buy Misty months maybe, if we were lucky.  Amputation really […]

02-17-14 – Farewell Alley

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 6:59 pm on Monday, February 17, 2014

Rest in peace my sweet little darling Alley. I will miss you so much. I got her an antibiotic pill instead of the liquid, it worked.  I gave her as much Nutrical as I could, and bought all kinds of cat food for her to eat, she seemed to like Newman’s Own liver the best […]

02-14-14 – Oncologist appointment next week

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 6:00 pm on Friday, February 14, 2014

I was too upset to call yesterday.  But today I dragged myself out of the dumps and made an appointment.  Next week Misty and I will go see the oncologist, Blue Pearl in Tampa.

02-13-14 – Surgery a No-Go, Again?

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 5:48 am on Thursday, February 13, 2014

So this morning was supposed to be Misty’s surgery, and when I arrived my regular vet’s partner Dr. P came out from back to talk to me – the woman who treated Alley.  I don’t remember exactly what she said to me or asked, but I replied with something along the lines of “Well no, […]