03-31-14 (still day 5)
She’s all medded for the night and sleeping comfortably and of course cutely here on the couch beside me.
Her meds, by the way, are .5 ml gabapentin twice a day, and .15 ml buprenorphine every 6-12 hours. When I brought her home she’d had both in the morning and they said she wasn’t showing much pain so they were doing every 12 hours with the buprenorphine. That evening she woke up and started puttering around just as her medicine was due so I gave them both to her exactly on the 12-hour mark. The next morning (Day 2) she seemed in more pain so even though we weren’t at 12 hours I gave her the buoprenorphine again. Â Since then I’ve been giving it to her around every 8 hours, except today we are back to 12. She slept through the 8-hour mark and I figured if she is so comfortable she can sleep I should not disturb her to give her meds she might not need.
The gabapentin has to stay in the fridge, and I just dropper it right into a little dollop of canned cat food, which she gobbles up eagerly, and once she finishes it all I give her the rest of her canned food (about 1/6 of a can usually, twice a day). The buprenorphine is supposed to go under her tongue or in her cheek. I am not really sure how I am supposed to aim it so specifically. I think I am getting it in her cheek but who knows. She seems to feel better pretty rapidly after I administer it, so I guess it is working well enough. She still gets pretty annoyed when I give it to her. I make up for it with treats before and after.
I went to Petsmart and looked at animal clothes – thought they might fit her better than onesies. Nothing specifically for cats, but I found some things in the dog section. Â I saved the receipt and the tags and hanger, if it doesn’t fit her when I try it on her I can bring it back. Photos to follow if she keeps it. There are a lot of really goofy pet clothes out here, poor beasts. I tried to keep Misty’s somewhat dignified.
April 1, 2014 @ 4:45 am
Awwww, Misty is sooooo sweet! Can’t wait to see her in her “outfits”
Dn’t know much about kitty doseages of meds, but it seems like you are really tuned in to Misty’s needs. Yo are a very god advocate for her. Yeah, dn’t know how the vet expects you to put the dros on her cheeks! Cfazy!
I know recovery is not picnic, but she’ll start gettkng her sparkle back bit by bit soon.
Get sme rest and give Misty some snuggles fr us!
Sally and Happy Hannah
April 1, 2014 @ 4:27 pm
Thanks! I think the vet expects me to put drops in her cheek because when they do it they have no problem. Probably neither would I if I did it every day as a job. 😛
This recovery is not exactly fun, you’re right, but it is sooo much less horrible than I imagined it would be! Misty is such a good girl, she has been very cooperative with everything I’ve asked of her. She uses her little bin-stairs to get up to the bathroom faucet instead of jumping, and I’ve even seen her drinking out of the water dish a couple of times. She stops messing with her stitches when I tell her to stop – although as best I can tell she is just licking them clean, which I am told is harmless as long as she doesn’t bite them.
April 1, 2014 @ 11:54 pm
Teehee, I can’t wait to see her “dignified” kitty clothes. 😛 I didn’t know to put gabapentin into any particular place in Fang’s mouth so I just squirted it in there (much to his disapproval) :P. I’m sure that it helps however you’re doing it. Also, the pain med thing just proves that mommy’s know best when it comes to watching their babies and knowing what hurts and what doesn’t. I’m sure Misty is thankful!