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Misty Grey

She has things to do, like occupying sunbeams, drinking out of the bathroom sink, and being beautiful – on four legs, or three!

04-03-14 Day 8 After Surgery

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 3:52 pm on Friday, April 4, 2014

I tried to post this last night, but my PC was already shut down for r night, and I had misplaced my iPad (found it in the closet this morning).  So I tried to post it from my phone instead, and got an error message: Forbidden. For some reason I am apparently unable to access any Tripawds blog page via my android phone. Weird.

Anyway here is is what I wrote last night:

Misty is still doing great. I think she is feeling more comfortable every day. Yesterday she didn’t spend too long in my lap, I think she wasn’t sure how to lie comfortably.  But today I didn’t take any new photos of her because she spent about five hours curled up on my lap and I wasn’t close enough to the camera to grab it without disturbing her. 🙂

I’m so glad she has gone back to sleeping in my lap. That is something she only started doing after we moved to FL – she never was much of a lap cat in past years. I missed it since the surgery, until yesterday.




April 4, 2014 @ 5:04 pm   Reply

Oh glad to hear she’s doing great! Tripawd Cats Rule! But we want more photos so don’t make us wait too long ya hear? 🙂

As for not being able to access Tripawds on the phone, that sounds like a connectivity issue since you were able to log in here. Try again and let us know if anything changes.



April 4, 2014 @ 6:49 pm   Reply

YAAAAAY for MISTY sleeping on your lap!! I know that just made your heart sing with joy!

It’s just wonderful when you see their old habits start to come back bit by bit. And it only gets better!!

Just curious…I have a tablet which, I think in the world of computers is called a “mobile device” like an IPhone, etc……anyway, quite often I will get INTERNAL SERVER ERROR telling me it was u able to comply with my request and to contact server admin. webmaster

Is this what you were getting?? For me, it usualy happens late at night. Have yet to “report” it…jist figured it was yet another “tablet issue”.

Give that sweet Misty some ear scratches for us and lots of treats!


Sally and Happy Hannah



April 8, 2014 @ 5:19 pm   Reply

The error that I get happens 100% of the time when I try to access any tripawds blog page (edit my own or read others) using my Android phone. I have no problems with my iPad, just the Android phone. Here is a link to the error:

My fiance works with network stuff and he looked over my shoulder at the error, and he said it is on the tripawds end, not our end, and that it has to do with permissions (I am sure he could say more specifically what it is but I don’t know that stuff well enough to repeat it correctly).

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