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Misty Grey

She has things to do, like occupying sunbeams, drinking out of the bathroom sink, and being beautiful – on four legs, or three!

05-28-14 – 9 Weeks After Surgery

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 6:44 am on Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Misty took a walk around the yard so I grabbed my camera and got some photos of my pretty girl on her walk. Her fur is growing back nicely, but there is still a noticeable difference in length on her back.  She is starting to feel fluffy again when I pet her, and I think […]

05-21-14 – 8 Weeks After Surgery – Soggy Kitty

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 4:52 am on Thursday, May 22, 2014

This is Misty waiting for her breakfast, still all soggy after getting her ear meds. Ugh, is it really only Day 2 of the ten days we’re going to have to do this? She ran away from me this evening when I offered her treats. 🙁

05-20-14 – Enjoying Birthday Dinner

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 10:47 pm on Tuesday, May 20, 2014

We ended up sharing a meal to honor her birthday because I went to the store and found chicken livers – something that only Misty and I like so we don’t have very often.  I gave blood last week, so maybe I was craving the iron. I cooked hers plain and fried mine with a […]

Misty-Kitten Photos

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 9:21 pm on Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I came across some old kitten photos of Misty and Alley – I was trying to verify the year of Misty’s birth for sure – it was 2000.  Here are some photos of both girls from 2000-2001.  Misty was always cat-shaped from the day I got her at 8 weeks old, but Alley was still little […]

05-20-14 – Happy 14th Birthday Misty!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 3:29 pm on Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Today is Misty’s birthday – we got her from the animal shelter on July 20, 2000 and they said she was two months old so I made her birthday May 20. I feel bad because we started out her birthday this morning with ear medicine, but treats and breakfast and a short while sitting in […]

05-19-14 – After the Vaccination Visit

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 12:35 am on Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I brought Misty in because she was almost due for her rabies vaccination and I wanted to get in on time so I could get her the 3-year one instead of one year.  The county I live in apparently requires me to send in a copy of the paperwork and $15 to get a tag […]

05-19-14 – Sunbeam Cat (Almost 8 Weeks After Surgery!)

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 2:08 pm on Monday, May 19, 2014

I realize I’ve been remiss about posting sunbeam photos. Misty seems to occupy sunbeams most in the mornings when I am not usually feeling extremely motivated to follow her around with a camera. I guess she likes morning sunbeams better that afternoon ones, or perhaps she just doesn’t like to interrupt her afternoon naps (another […]

Misty waiting for her dinner

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 4:42 am on Friday, May 16, 2014

Here’s a video of Misty waiting for her dinner. She gets so excited, she can’t keep quiet “Rrr… Rrrrr… Rrrrrtt…” I can’t help laughing every time I feed her. Sorry the the video started off blurry… She started rrrr-ing before I was quite ready.  

05-15-14 – 7 Weeks After Surgery

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 3:37 pm on Thursday, May 15, 2014

This started out as an attempt to photograph her scar area while she happened to be lying in a position to show it, and turned into a licking my hand session instead, so I’ll post a few photos. Kitties always look so sweet when they are happily grooming someone they like! 🙂 <3 It looks […]

05-13-14 Just Misty in her Baby Dill Pickle box

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 5:39 am on Wednesday, May 14, 2014
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