07-25-14 – 17 Weeks After Surgery – Home Away From Home
Misty and I have been at my mom’s for the past week. Misty has been being kept isolated in the craft room when nobody is there to keep the other cats from bullying her. She seems not to mind – she sleeps on a cat bed that sits in front of a screen window where she can look down upon the world from the second story, and when she is interested in deeper sleep she curls up in the closet which we’ve been leaving ajar for her. She really likes to sit in the backyard too, especially when she remembers there is catnip out there.
Here’s a video of Misty shortly after we arrived at Mom’s. She looooves the catnip plant!
There’s been one incident: while I was out she got into it with Mom’s big male cat Vapor – he was keeping her from accessing the litterboxes and she finally got desperate and made a run for it, but he caught her and in the tussle she leaked. Poor little girl. The other female cat Bitterblue came over to join in the fray and Mom had to separate them all. While Mom was putting the other cats in other rooms (and getting scratched by a very feisty Vapor) Misty finally got to safely run for the litterbox but didn’t quite make it and left a more solid type of mess on the floor too. When Mom came back to put her into the craft room she was still so agitated that she had to be wrapped in a towel to be carried into the room.
So now the cats are being kept separate even when we are here. They take turns having time to sit out in the back yard and at night mom’s cats are confined to her room and Misty sleeps with me.
Other than that, Misty is happy enough, she has made this her home with not much fuss.

Chilling on Mom’s couch which would be our bed right now if her cute presence hadn’t sapped my will to pull it out and blow up the mattress and make the bed…
July 26, 2014 @ 7:14 pm
Hey gorgeous, I’m sorry the other kitties were mean to you, that must have been an awful scene. I’m glad you’re OK.
Sweet girl, keep on rockin, we love seeing how you conquer the world.
July 26, 2014 @ 7:15 pm
Oh my gosh just saw the video, you crazy girl, that catnip is da bomb isn’t it?!