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Misty Grey

She has things to do, like occupying sunbeams, drinking out of the bathroom sink, and being beautiful – on four legs, or three!

Misty is Missing

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 10:08 pm on Thursday, July 16, 2015

Two weeks ago yesterday I was sitting by the sliding glass door keeping an eye on Misty while she took her ease outside in the back yard – something we do often, since she cannot be a true in-and-out cat any more. One minute I saw her snoozing there and was talking with my mom […]

Happy Birthday Misty!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 11:46 am on Friday, May 29, 2015

Last Wednesday was Misty’s birthday. We celebrated with some chicken liver and a good brushing, since she is shedding like crazy. I’ve been home instead of traveling for the past few weeks and that’s been very nice.                

1 year

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 12:29 am on Saturday, March 28, 2015

Well, it’s been a year. Misty is doing great. It’s hard to remember sometimes that she is even missing a leg. She goes about her kitty-cat business as she always has but more hoppy than she used to. She was diagnosed a month or so ago with a mild hyperthyroid problem, and is now on […]

Wet Sink Kitty Says Happy New Year!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 4:23 am on Friday, January 16, 2015

Just a quick hello and happy new year from Misty, who celebrated the turn of the year by snoozing soundly on the couch beside me while we played video games and stayed up very late. The new job has been going great, and life in general is good – except Sunday my car broke down. […]

Merry Christmas!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 5:48 am on Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Misty wishes you well!  

Happy Turkey Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 6:43 pm on Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Sunbeam Kitty, who is grateful for sunshine, and canned cat food and soft places to sleep, and scritches under the chin, and obedient human servants who refill food bowls and turn on water faucets on command.

Happy Halloween!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 8:58 pm on Saturday, November 1, 2014

Misty says Happy Halloween everyone! This Halloween was much happier than last year. Last year we spent Halloween at the vet’s office waiting to find out what the lump was on her leg. This year Misty slept while I played board games with some coworkers. I dressed as a devil and I let Misty try […]

Hope everyone is having a good October

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 3:09 pm on Sunday, October 19, 2014

Misty definitely is:   We’ve got her litterbox troubles sorted out and she is feeling good.          

Just a quick hello

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 2:35 am on Monday, September 29, 2014

Who knew? Apparently Misty likes to do selfies together!    

Lazy Sunbeam Sunday

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddmckenna at 11:14 pm on Sunday, August 31, 2014

After a killer week and a super busy Saturday, the whole household is chilling today. Misty is occupying sunbeams while she waits for the rabbits I’ve got in the crockpot to be done. We humans had breakfast sandwiches for dinner made on an electric griddle while watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Now I think I’ll […]

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